Coming Day 2019: My story and reflection (PERSONAL)
Today is October 11th
It is national coming out day. Coming Out Day is celebrated among the LGBTQIA+ community to reflect upon and honor the rite of coming out as our gender and/or sexuality to our friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones.
I have many coming out moments since I am both transgender and bisexual. I'd like to explore some specific stories in a coming out themed video one day.
When I was 16 years old, I had realized that I was bisexual after questioning my sexual orientation for some time. I knew I was some sort of nonbinary trans person at 20, but tried figuring it out specifically, and even wondered if I were actually trans, nonbinary, or even binary trans, trying on so many labels overtime.
I am now 7 months on feminizing hormone replacement therapy, and have been changing my presentation for a year and many months, not quite two since it was a process of coming to terms. Coming out to yourself is the hardest part, frankly. My transition was my own, it happened at its own pace and time. There is no right order to transition. I went on hormones before I even discovered my real name. I played around with names for a long time, and even chose my middle name before my first. I didn't attempt to present feminine until January of this year. I was already playing around with clothes and makeup since a year prior and also was growing out my hair, something I already wanted to do.
Overall, being myself, a bisexual nonbinary transfemme is part of my life now, and it is hope for me to have a better future in life. Being a writer is one part of it.
Thanks and have a wonderful day.
- B.D.E
Also: I will have my patreon page soon, in the mean time tip me on venmo or $ app.
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