Patreon Poetry Medley from 30 July 2021
Poems written in July 2021 by Miss Brittany Diana
Quid est homo?
What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets? Said the vampire
The humans are quite pathetic indeed, for that it will not inspire
Quid homo est et quid est vir? Quis estes homini et estes animale?
Nos non homines sumus, sed ego equa sine nome sum, non male!
Si viri saparent sint, ad feminis transmutent, et bene maximale.
Gedicht der Römer
In Lateinisch, schreibt man viel dichter auch wie der Griechen.
In Griechisch, sind das die Zunge der Zivilisation und Märchen
Aber, das gedicht geht um der alte Barbaren, die heißen Deutsch.
Römer sprechen Latein und Griechisch, doch sprechen wir Deutsch.
Hymnus, Lied, Gesang, Dichter, das sind die Musik der reinen Wörter
Diese Text haben viele Noten und Buchstabe, die Latein auch gehörte.
Wir lesen und schreiben wie der Römer, nicht mehr mit den Runestaben.
Runen, Hieroglyphen, Sigillen, das waren der Geschenk des Gottes Thot.
Aus Ägypten, China, Land zwischen der beiden Flüssen und Abrahams Gott.
Die sind der Ursprung von Menschen, diese Antike Welt, seit Tausende Jahre
Menschen der altenzeit waren sowie uns jetzt, und wir haben diese treue Ehre.
Evolution of love: confessions of a former monogamist.
You were my one true love, I had said to you, right after my last one true love.
Indeed, I promised you the world, the sea, the soil, and the sky and stars above.
Now, I promise myself to love again, I promise nothing more and nothing less.
To each fluttering heart and burgeoning heat of the loins, to which I confess,
I love you and you and you all, oh no, this is not how I shall love ever again.
To limit the self and the heart to one partner, it shall no longer continue again.
In multibus vos amo, this is my mantra, my romantic declaration of affection
To love you all in many ways and cases, oh, this shall be my heart’s direction.
My gender is Art
I am a piece of art, I want to be seen but not perceived or touched anyway
I am beautiful radiance, full and exuberant, shining so brightly on this day
Praise be upon myself for showing all of the world, my true and fair beauty.
I am your goddess, lo and behold mortals, and bow before my glory mighty
I am a generous goddess, I shall raise and make beauty too, you are my life
To be a Matron of the Arts and all things Beauty, this is my goal, like my wife
Thus I am with only those who parallel my own beauty, I consort with the void
And I walk the halls and temples that humanity has offered to me as my spheroid.
This is the exaltation of self confidence, I wax poetic on my own mind and body.
To end from beginning, I am certainly quite beautiful and right next to the godly.
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Credits: Unicorn Aligned Ponygender flag by Twitter user @KarakasaAhrkaro
And Wikicommons fair use.
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