January 6th 2021: A day of shame and infamy (US Politics)
A short statement and editorial from BDunicorn
Today my fellow Americans, is a day of shame and infamy,
This is a coup and domestic terrorism. Make no mistake about it. Yet peaceful protests are condemned as riots, but the police agitated them. However the “Save America march protesters” are attacking the police and storming Congress. This is sedition to support treacherous subversion of democracy. No one can say this is like Black Lives Matter movements or Women’s March, these aren’t people marching for their rights to be respected they are marching to disrespect democracy and liberty, to uphold arbitrary authority and fascism over freedom. The Republican Party or GOP has lost all legitimacy in the republic by entertaining these terrorists. Citizens
have the right to protest how they see fit you say but this is not the
true voice of the people, this is the fringe eroding on a country trying
to free itself from reactionary right. The Right will lose, but they
won’t go down easily. They only trust democracy if it only goes their
way. This is a reactionary movement that is about power and inequality. This should not be a partisan issue. Even if you are not marginalized you may know someone who is.
the fact that federal law enforcement officers have been more lenient
and less forceful today shows a deep rot in many institutions. This is
America, and there’s no more hiding it. Let this not despair you but
encourage you to step up and stand for liberation from the deep rot
inherent to the system.
The threat is internal and domestic. Not foreign.
Things aren’t perfect sure but solidarity with your fellow person is the start of new freer society, to liberty, equality, and solidarity; Out of many one.
I have voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the legally and duly elected President-elect and Vice President Elect of these United States. And I am glad they won and that the Democratic Party will hold, albeit narrowly, the US Senate and House of Representatives in Congress, and that I am disappointed that the PA Republicans still hold both houses of the General Assembly. That being said I would be disappointed if Trump were reelected, it was not likely, especially by popular vote, but if he did have both mandates, electoral and popular, it would be fair to say he won. Many conspiracy theorists that are masquerading as public servants and journalists are claiming that he won and that the election was stolen. But if that were the case, the democrats would have easily taken Georgia's senate races on November 3rd and not on January 3rd, they'd increase a super majority. Are the democrats competent enough to hide a landslide reelection result but not to keep congress? Basic logic defeats them, however, these people do not listen to any logic. I think all Americans should know that. They are out of touch and hypocritical but they do not care. They only care for power. Power is irrational and power corrupts absolutely.
And so, I hope that this political tantrum from the far right will blow over. Though once that is settled, we will see a democratic trifecta in the executive and legislative branches of the US Government. The last time this existed was during the first term of the Obama administration between 2009 and 2011, so ten years ago. In some way, 2021 and 2009 have some parallel events, a bad economy in crisis, a pandemic, and an outgoing republican president. Except this is so much worse 2020 was worse than 2008 in a few ways, like the Swine Flu was already a thing and COVID19 is brand spanking new. Bush Jr was term limited and did easily conceded, though Bush Jr was a scumbag and dare I say, just as bad as Trump, so he did not entertain electoral fraud and conspiracies. McCain, an imperialist warmongering scumbag, did not either. Cheney did not either. The Republicans let Obama takeover, however, the Tea Party movement, which was a proto-MAGA movement, did push the Republicans hard far right and set the 2010s in motion, and thus we saw a white backlash. Though the 2016 is a huge can of worms that still isn't fully opened nor unpacked. So I believe Joe Biden should not give any ground to Republicans going forward. They lost and they lost all respect. They are increasingly unhinged. This reactionary undercurrent has always been a part of American history, and I think we should look to the past.
Civil war has been on people's mind. There seems to be some parallels between the US Civil War of 1861-1865 and current events. But the war isn't the lesson here, it is Reconstruction. MAGA is like the first Klan. And the takeaway from Reconstruction is that it did not go far enough. The old south had some power that needed to be broken. We should have crushed them. Plantation power held on through the prison industrial complex. The wounds of past still carry to the present, and hopefully be left behind and healed in the future. The Confederates were not rebels, and neither is the Tea Party and MAGA movement. They represent old power that was first established by colonizers and their violence and brutality against enslaved people on land stolen from the indigenous peoples. My home is Pennsylvania which was, and still is, and always be Lenni Lenape and Susquehannock land. My ancestors immigrated to a colony and integrated with the settlers that have just made the United States of America.
Though, now, my ideals go beyond the Nation as a concept and I advocate for power going to the people. Until we can reach a more horizontal and egalitarian society, we have to deal with the nation-state. The liberal power is much much more tolerable to live in than the conservative and reactionary power. Power concentrated will always result in oppression. We must break it up. The Republicans are full of corruption and treachery. Even a liberal capitalist can see it. The Democrats could and should investigate their gross abuses of power. But, cooling down hotheads and throwing away dangerous demagogues is not the end but the start. The end goal is liberation, the end goal is equity, the end goal is fair abundance for all, the end goal is a just society without any unjust authority or hierarchy. The goal is self-actualization and righting historical wrongs. Let us not settle in doom and complacency, but let us think and do better. Do something, do something right. Resist and persist. Support our antifa troops. Donate to mutual aid. And lastly take care, stay safe, I hope you will all have a good evening.
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